Monday, March 23, 2020

Day Two at Home Learning

Hello my wonderful artists and welcome to the second official learn at home day! I have another video to share with you about today's activities.

Today's focus is drawing. According to the chart, you have three choices; 

Look closely at a family member and draw his or her portrait 


Look in a mirror and draw your self-portrait 
Find three items around your house and arrange them together. Draw what you see.

Many jobs, including doctors, scientists, detectives, and artists, require us to look closely at objects or people. Today, as you are drawing, remember to use your detective eyes and look closely at the objects or people you are drawing. Take your time when you look and walk your eyes back and forth over the surface like you were a tiny ant so you see everything.

One of my favorite portrait artists is Vincent Van Gogh. He is most famous for his self-portraits. He used self-portraits as a way of practicing portraits without having to pay models to sit for him. If you wish to learn more about Vincent Van Gogh, watch the following videos below.

If you wish to practice your skills in observation, the Tate Kids website has an online quiz "Spot the Difference". This is a fun way to practice using your detective eyes by examining famous works of art and spotting the differences.

At the end of your art making, reflect and tell me if you had any problems today while drawing from observation. You can share your reflection in Artsonia when you type your artist statement within the app.

Have fun creating and using your skills in OBSERVATION!

Art Resources:

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