Thursday, March 29, 2018

2nd Grade Animations 2018

2nd graders have completed their alien animations. Students had an opportunity to practice figure drawing and drawing in profile while using the Doink Animation App on the iPads to create a running alien in four poses. Find the lesson description here. Everyone in second grade is finished with their Aliens running loose in the art room animation. Not only did the make one movie, but two movies! The second movie used their alien running on a background that the students drew in the app animation. I moved their videos to iMovie, added some sound effects and music, and labeled each student's alien with his/her name.  All four movies are now uploaded to YouTube and you can find the links below. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did making them!

2A Animations

2D Animations

2B Animations

2C Animations

For the last two weeks, 2nd graders have been experimenting with animation in the art room. The first project focused on flip books creating a ball bouncing. Now, students recently finished using the Doink Animation App on the iPads to create a running alien in four poses. The idea for this project is not originally mine, but from Tricia Fuglestad, an elementary art teacher at Dryden Elementary in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Tricia Fuglestad's blog, Dryden Elementary Art Website

 File provided by Tricia Fuglestad on her blog.
Using the Doink iPad Animation App, 2nd graders drew an original alien in four sequential poses to create the illusion that it is running. Once completed with four poses, students added the alien to a composition of a photo from the art room to give the illusion that the alien is entering from the left and exiting to the right of the photo and running rampant within our art room!
Composition directions for Alien running loose in the Art Room.
Once students finished composing their alien running in the art room, they made a 2nd composition within DOINK by drawing a background for their alien to run such as the alien's home planet, spaceship, or imaginary world. If students finish composition two, they may play in the "cloud" by adding images or animations from online contributors to their 2nd composition. This video was not added to the final video submitted to YouTube.

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