Tuesday, February 17, 2015

First Grade WordFoto Poems

First graders are taking last week's monochromatic hearts, writing a five word poem about their favorite person, and using the iPad app WordFoto to transfer their poems to a digital version of their monochromatic hearts. Many students chose mom or dad to write their poems about and a few chose their favorite football player or best friend.  Here are some examples of the many poem hearts using WordFoto.
Template for poem.
Did you know spaglosh is a food (a cross between
spaghetti and goulash)? Who knew!? I didn't until now!

Since I only have 6 iPads to work with, only six students can work on this project at one class time. The other students keep busy with a creativity stretcher. The only two rules for this creativity stretcher I tell students; they must only use scrap paper from the scrap paper box and they must use one paper towel tube to create something representational. The only supplies they are allowed to use are glue and scissors (pencils to write their names of course!). No markers or crayons. Here are some of the results.

We discuss that this is a creativity stretcher and that we should rely on our imaginations, not our neighbor's imaginations, but inevitably I end up with one or two that look alike...tsk, tsk!

To see more WordFoto Poems from first grade, see our Artsonia Gallery online here.

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